Successful Thesis Defence!

Congratulations to Silviya! A well deserved hug between Andrey (to the left) and Silvy (to the right) for a job well done!July 29, 2024 marked the end of a 5-years long endeavor for Silviya Bradyanova. She successfully defended her  thesis on  “Functional inhibition of autoreactive T cells by antibody therapy…

Successful Master’s Theses Defences!

Congratulations to Lidiya, Hristina and Anne-Liese! Every good performance deserves a reward! Lidiya, Hristina and Anne-Liese (left to right) celebrating the end of the journey called Master’s Thesis.On July 12, 2024 Anne-Liese Ahammer, Hristina Koleva and Lidiya Kechidzhieva successfully defended their Master’s Theses! We were happy to lead them through…