5th Black Sea International Immunology School
“Immunity in all its states“
Organizing Committee
Ass. Prof. Andrey Tchorbanov
Prof. Maria Nikolova
Bulgarian Society for Immunology
24 – 25 October 2018, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
5th Black Sea International Immunology School (BSIIS2018)
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 5th Black Sea International Immunology School (BSIIS).
The Black Sea International Immunology School (BSIIS) is an educational initiative of BuSI, that was given a successful start in 2014 and continued through 2015, 2016 and 2017, thanks to the financial support of EFIS-EEJI.
The 5th Black Sea International Immunology School will be entitled “Immunity in all its States“, and will cover some hot topics in the fields of immunology. As we are addressing “beginners”, complicated concepts will be made clear, and sophisticated approaches will be presented at the friendly level. The program will include lectures and students’ short presentation modules. The school is addressed to participants with no or minimum past experience in the covered areas. Undergraduate, master, PhD students and post-docs are welcome.
The selection will be based on applications including a CV and a 250-words abstract on the applicant’s current/future project. Participants from the neighboring countries will be strongly encouraged to apply. BSIIS2018 will take place from 24 to 25 October 2018 in the conference hall of Imperial Park Hotel and SPA – Plovdiv. We will provide a relaxed venue for learning, scientific exchange, and networking.
There is no fee for attendance and the organizing committee offers fellowships that will cover accommodation costs. Note that the number of participants is limited!
We encourage you to apply for the school! We look forward to meeting you in Plovdiv.
On behalf of the organizing committee
You can find invitation letter including preliminary program and list of speakers here –> 5th Black-Sea-2018-program
To take part in the 5th Black Sea International Immunology School (BSIIS2018) you must fill the short Application Form here –> Application_Form-BSIIS-2018 and send it to immunology2014bg@gmail.com.
The deadline for receiving applications is 30th July 2018.
For any additional information regarding application, organizational or other issues please contact us on the aforementioned email address.