Participation in Scientific conferences and Schools

1. XVIIth ICW Conference, October 11–16, 1998, Rhodes, Greece. Targeting of influenza epitopes to murine CR1,2 using scFv antibodies. N225, Рrechl J., Horvath A., Kurucz I., Baiu D.С., Tchorbanov A., Hazenbos W., Rajnavolgyi E., Erdei A., Capel P. J. A. 2. 3rd Balkan Congress of Immunology, October 30th – November…

Finished projects

1. Copernicus Contract CIPA CT 94-0152 „Genetically Engineered Vaccines”; Project leader P. Capel  1995-1998 2. NFSI – Bulgaria L 808 “Natural antibodies in healthy individuals”; Project leader T. Vassilev 1999-2002 3. HHMI - USA “Regulatory cells in Autoimmunity”; Project leader: T. Vassilev 2000-2004 4. Bulgarian-Hungarian international joint project “Selective suppression…

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