Birth date: 15 April 1985
Academic degree: Ph.D. student
In the lab since: June 2007
Education: 2004-2008– Bachelor degree in Molecular Biology, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” 

2008-2010– Master degree in Cell biology and pathology, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”

2011-present – Ph.D. program at the department of Immunology in Institute of Microbiology; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Research experience: Autoimmunity: Murine SLE models: Threatment therapies with chimeric molecules; DNA-based therapies for SLE

Vaccine development: Establishing bio-aduvant properties of  Hemocyanins from Rapana Thomasiana (Rt)H and Helix Pomatia (HPH)

Anti-cancer therapy: Establishing anti-cancer activityof Hemocyanins from Rapana Thomasiana (Rt)H and Helix Pomatia (HPH) in vitro and in vivo

Primary research interests: Vaccine development; DNA-based therapies; Cancer immunology; Autoimmunity; Cell signaling
Hobbies: Sport climbing

Vera Gesheva