
Professional and scientific Awards:

Prize of foundation “Stefan Angelov” – the best work of young microbiologist in Bulgaria – to Andrey Tchorbanov (2000)


Dresden Price on the Study of Autoantibodies – to Nikolina Mihaylova and Elisaveta Voynova (2004)


Prize of foundation “Stefan Angelov” – the best work of young microbiologist in Bulgaria – to Nikolina Mihaylova (2008)


Prize of Bulgarian academy of Sciences “Ivan Evstratiev Geshov” – Young scientist in the field of biological sciences – to Nikolina Mihaylova (2009)

Prize of foundation “Stefan Angelov” – the best work of young microbiologist in Bulgaria – to Kalina Nikolova (2011)

Prize of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences “akad. Ivan Evstratiev Geshov”
– Young scientist in the field of “Biological Sciences” – to Kalina Nikolova (2011)


Prize of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria for “Excellent scientific results” – to Andrey Tchorbanov (2011)

Pithagoras” Award for “proven scientist in the field of Biomedical Sciences” – to Andrey Tchorbanov (2012)


Prize of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria for “Young Researcher” – to Kalina Nikolova (2012)

Prize of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences “akad. Ivan Evstratiev Geshov”Youngest scientist in the field of “Biodiversity, Bioresources and Ecology”  – to Vera Gesheva (2013)

Prize of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria for “High scientific achievements” – to Andrey Tchorbanov (2013)

Prize of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria for “High scientific achievements – young scientist (up to 35 years) – to Kalina Nikolova-Ganeva (2015)

National Fellowship Award “For the Women in Science” for 2016 (founded be L’Oréal and UNESCO) – to Kalina Nikolova-Ganeva (2016)

Student of the Year Award from the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” for the academic 2016/2017 year in “Natural sciences” category – to Gabriela Boneva (2017)

“Pithagoras” Award for “proven scientist in the field of Biomedical Sciences” – to Andrey Tchorbanov (2017)

1st Prize in the competition for “Best Publication” dedicated to the 150-anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – to Iva Ivanova (2018)
